The Importance of Mental Health

The importance of mental health: 

You may have heard recently, that it is okay, to not be okay. Mental health is something that is being promoted more heavily in society, and for good reason. The cultural shift of toughness, ‘sucking it up’ and bottling up emotion is changing. The perception of mental health issues is shifting, as a society we are gaining a better understanding of the impact of mental illness as a whole.  There is no shame in speaking up and getting help with your mental health, but the statistics are still tragic. 

Did you know that nearly 1 in 2 Australian men have experienced a mental health problem in their life? 18% of men are estimated to have a current mental or behavioural condition that has lasted, or is expected to last, 6 months. 

Men make up 7 out of 9 suicides every single day in Australia, with the number of men who die by suicide in Australia every year is nearly double the national road toll. The leading cause of death of men between 18 to 44 years of age is suicide. There are more days, and months of awareness for mental health in general, but what are the signs of poor mental health? 

  • Feeling sad or down
  • Reduced concentration and/or focus
  • Excessive fears or worries
  • Withdrawal from friends and activities
  • Tiredness, low energy or problems sleeping 
  • Excessive anger, hostility and violence 

There are many great resources where to seek help: 

  • Lifeline: call 13 11 14 or chat online
  • Suicide Call Back Service- call 1300 659 467 
  • Beyond Blue 

Exercise has been shown to be a helpful tool in alleviating the symptoms of mental ill-health and in conjunction with treatment for mental health conditions. Research has shown that patients with symptoms of depression, on follow up after an exercise intervention showed long term improvements on mental health. As little as one hour of exercise a week can help protect against depression.  Exercise can also be a great tool to start those tough but important conversations with family or friends about their mental health as well. 

Research has also shown that those who are physically active will have a reduced incidence and severity of depressive symptoms. 

Exercise can: 

  • Improve sleep
  • Improve concentration
  • Improve energy levels 
  • Improve confidence
  • Boost mood
  • Release stress 


Exercise Right, n.d. Mental Health and Exercise

Exercise Right, 2021. Men’s Health E-book.